I hereby bring to order this impromptu meeting of the fanclub. The first and only order of business is to discuss the Japanese Prime Minister, the honourable Yukio Hatoyama. There are many blogs discussing Japanese politics and policy (probably - I don't know, I never read the interwebs) but shit's gonna hit the Akomeogi online this week. Why is this? Did they legalize Tentacle Rape? Did they drop a revenge nuke on Bloomington, Ohio? Did they elect a porpoise to the cabinet? Nope. Better. The aforementioned honourable Yukio Hatoyama has just re-released his 80s POP SONG! Holy shit, there is a god and he loves the Pet Shop Boys! The song, Tobitate Heiwa no Tori yo, which translates to "Take Heart - Fly dove of peace", is a classy little peace ballad with some awesome backing vocals from Wing (OK - that's a lie - there are rad backing vocals but they're by some no-name brand, not a big shot like Wing. Also, points for spotting my inherent racism). The timing of the re-release is awesome for Yukio as he's certain to get some momentum from the Michael Jackson This Is It movie as "Take Heart- Fly dove of peace is like the engrish cousin of We are the World (more racism kids! Collect it all!). If soppy, poppy music is your cup o tea (it is), you have to love this song
I have ordered my CD single and will be waiting by my post box until it arrives. This is the biggest political moment since George Bush Jr. fired himself into space. It is also the biggest political-musical crossover EVER. Sure, Nic Sarkozy has a (hot) musical wife, but that doesn't count. Bill Clinton can play the sax, but the sax? C'mon, who the fuck cares? And Richard Milhouse Nixon had his Watergate Tapes, which I presume is a collection of his basement recorded dubstep tracks, but he was Hunter S Thompson's enemy and thus an enemy of mine. So first prize goes to Yukio-san. I just wonder why he settled for a boring life of politics when he could have been as famous as Vanilla Ice or Lady Gaga? Look out for the song in the coming weeks. i predict a dance remix, Danger Mouse mashup with the Doors, Jay-Z and Kanye remix (ie. the same song with Kanye grunting inbetween the words Take and Heart) and infinity youtube videos of kids singing this in their suburban homes. Or it might just fade into obscurity within the next 7 minutes.
Meeting Adjourned.
Let's not be too hasty to judge..
Love your work :)
The above link just shows how shoddily researched this blog post was. I am truly humbled. Who knew that Richard Nixon was not only a famed Black Metal guitarist but also wrote piano concertos? Eye opening. Nevertheless, Yukio-san still brings it to the dancefloor.